

 for the 
Day of Renewal
Opens in JULY
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The Diocesan 

Service Team 

prepares May to August for this event. If you are interested in helping with this important volunteer ministry or need a question answered about the 

Day of Renewal contact 

Joyce Bankowski at:


or send a general question to:


The Service Team meets as necessary.

Day of Renewal  


SEPTEMBER 16, 2023

THEME FOR 2023...
"Healing: Jesus Way"

verend Dwight Schlaline grew up in East Berlin, PA as a parishioner of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Abbottstown, PA. During his teenage years, he joined the parish’s Upper Room Charismatic Prayer Group. Later he was led to attend the Franciscan University of Steubenville where he graduated with a degree in Classical Languages and Philosophy. On June 26, 2010, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Harrisburg.  Currently, he is pastor of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus near Hanover, PA. 

Fr. Dwight will celebrate a Charismatic Healing Mass following the keynote.

“Introduction to Charismatic Renewal & 

Praying for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

Breakout Session at 2:15 PM with 

Bernice's talk will concern some history of charismatic renewal, how the spiritual gifts can enrich our everyday lives and spiritual growth, and most importantly, how to receive and grow in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Some of the groups she has been active with include: The Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship, Charismatic Service Team, Diocesan Women's Conference, Unbound Freedom In Christ and many different bible studies in parishes and homes. Recently Bernice has joined with a group called Beginning Experience that ministers to people having lost a spouse due to death or divorce.

“Finding the Joy in Suffering with Christ” 

with Mr. Joseph Bankowski

Joe Bankowski was born in Massachusetts, has lived in York, Pennsylvania since age 6 and is a member of St. Rose of Lima Parish. He worked in the graphic arts, communication and publishing industry for 40 years as a production planner and in sales and sales force management. He has served the church as a Catechist, Lector, Extraordinary Minister, Youth Group Director and DRE. In 2015 he received a certificate of completion for the study of the "Theology and Spirituality of Divine Mercy" from the Pope John Paul II Institute. Joe and his wife Joyce have been married 52 years and have two married sons and six grandchildren. Joe conducts a Divine Mercy Chaplet Devotion at St. Rose of Lima on the second Sunday of each month that is now in its ninth year.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2022
"I will repay you for the years which the locust has eaten" 
Joel 2:25 NAB

Msgr. Robert E. Lawrence 
became involved in Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the 1970's when he was at St. John the Baptist Church in Mt. Carmel and chaplain for Our Lady of Lourdes Regional School where he began a Charismatic Prayer Meeting at the school and later one for adults at his parish.
He was Secretary of Education for the Diocese and his most recent pastorates were Holy Name of Jesus in Harrisburg and St. Columba in Bloomsburg from which he retired.
He had been one of  the the early Liaisons to the Bishop for Charismatic Renewal in the Diocese of Harrisburg.
Msgr. Lawrence will do a short presentation to begin the day on the history of Charismatic Renewal in the Diocese. 
Fr. Bernard will be the presenter for the remainder of the day. 
Fr. Bernard-Mary Ayo Oniwe, O.P., currently pastor of St. Peter Church, Elizabethtown was born in Lagos, Nigeria on August 12, 1968, the first of the five children of Lawrence (late) and Veronica Oniwe. He joined the Order of Preachers, Province of Nigeria/Ghana in 1993, after obtaining a B.A. in Dramatic Arts in 1991 from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Nigeria. He made his solemn religious vows in 1998 and on completing his M.A. in Theology from Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology, an affiliate of Duquesne University, Pittsburg, he was ordained a priest in Ibadan, Nigeria on September 23, 2000. He was assigned to St. Dominic Catholic Church, Yaba as associate pastor immediately after his ordination and later appointed as associate chaplain to Chapel of Perpetual Light, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, his alma mater. His Provincial sent him on mission to the Diocese of Harrisburg in November, 2003 where he served as parochial vicar at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Lewistown/St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church, Mifflintown, chaplain at Harrisburg General Hospital with residence in Prince of Peace, Steelton, and chaplain at Lancaster General Hospital with residence at St. Mary, Lancaster until July 2007 when he left for University of South Carolina, Columbia where he taught college first year writing class and completed a PhD in Comparative Literature in 2018. Fr. Bernard returned to the Diocese of Harrisburg in June 2018 as parochial vicar to The Good Shepherd Church, Camp Hill, and in December 2018, he was designated by the bishop as administrator of St. Peter Church, Elizabethtown. He has been described as "a risk taker". He loves celebrating the Most Holy Eucharist joyfully and reverently. His hobbies include reading, singing, dancing, movies, soccer and roller skating.



  8:00 Registration

  8:30 Praise and Worship

  9:00 Announcements

  9:15 Keynote 1: Msgr. Robert Lawrence

"The Spirit Works Among Us"

  9:50 Praise & Worship

10:15 Keynote 2: Fr. Bernard Oniwe O.P.

"Restoration & Recovery - 

          I will repay you for the years 

 which the locust has eaten" 

Joel 2:25 NAB

11:00 Break

11:15 Mass is Celebrated

12:30 Lunch

  1:30 Praise & Worship

  2:00 Keynote 2 Continues: Fr. Bernard Oniwe O.P.

 "Moving Forward"

  2:45 Newcomers Breakout if Needed &

Prayers for Healing & Deliverance

  3:30 Day of Renewal Ends

"Out of Darkness  and Into the Light"

God’s Power Over Pandemic
Baptized in the Holy Spirit prior to becoming a priest of the Diocese of Harrisburg in 1984, Father Weary has faithfully served the diocese in many parishes and is currently pastor of Sacred Heart, Lewistown and St. Jude Thaddeus, Mifflintown, where he celebrates a Spanish Mass each month. He has been spiritual advisor to the Cursillo Movement and Courage Ministry, which ministers to Catholics with same sex attraction. He is treasurer of the Lewistown Ministerium and is on the ethics committee of Lewistown Hospital. He also offers commentary on the weekly Catholic radio program entitled "In The News", airing 12 noon Thursday on 720 AM WHYF Holy Family Radio.

This event was held on September 18, 2021, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM

We PRE-REGISTERED FOR THIS EVENT and paid at the door.

This new adventure went well even though we had 2 of our presenters leave early and 2 not able to come for that day. 

The Holy Spirit was so very gracious to those who stepped in.

In Memoriam

Martin "Marty" White went to be with Jesus 

October 1, 2021

He and his wife Bernice presented our 

Newcomers Breakout for many years.

Music by Praying Twice, Saint Joseph’s York



  8:00 Registration

  8:30 Praise and Worship

  9:00 Announcements

  9:15 Keynote

10:00 Confessions & Holy Hour

10:40 Benediction

11:15 Mass is Celebrated

12:30 Lunch

  1:30 Praise & Worship

  2:00 2nd talk & Healing Prayer

  2:45 Newcomers Q & A Breakout

  3:30 Day of Renewal Ends


    Father Weary was born in Carlisle in 1951 and raised there and in Camp Hill. He attended Trinity High School and then Susquehanna University, where he earned a BA in English. Father later earned an MA in journalism from the University of Missouri and then worked on his hometown newspaper, the Carlisle Sentinel, as a reporter before entering seminary in 1979. 

     He graduated from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia with an MA in theology and was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Harrisburg at St. Patrick Cathedral, Harrisburg, May 19, 1984. 

     His numerous assignments during his 36 years of priesthood include: St. Joseph, Mechanicsburg, 1984-87; Cristo Salvador, York, 1987-89; chaplain of Geisinger Medical Center, 1990-95; pastor of St. Joseph, Danville, 1997-2009, and his current assignment as pastor of Sacred Heart, Lewistown and St. Jude Thaddeus, Mifflintown. 

     Fr. Weary speaks Spanish and celebrates and preaches a Saturday evening Spanish Mass once a month. He has taken several mission trips to Honduras. Currently he is spiritual advisor for the Cursillo Movement of the diocese, and for the diocesan Courage Movement, which ministers to Catholics with same sex attraction. He is treasurer of the Lewistown Ministerium and is on the ethics committee of Lewistown Hospital. He also offers commentary on the weekly Catholic radio program entitled "In The News", airing 12 noon Thursdays, on 720 AM WHYF Holy Family Radio

     Father was baptized in the Spirit several years before entering seminary and helped lead the St. Joseph, Mechanicsburg charismatic prayer group for three years. He has celebrated many of the monthly Healing Masses. Father Bill and Fr. Frank are good friends, taking many trips together and praising the Lord in many charismatic prayer meetings.

2019 Day of Renewal was held on
Saturday, September 21

The Beginning and the End:

             The Healing of Past Soul Wounds"  Rev 1:8
Our Keynote Speaker

Fr. Paul C.B. Schenck, Ed.D

Fr. Paul Chaim Benedicta Schenck is a Pastoral Provision Priest currently serving as Parochial Vicar at St Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Mechanicsburg & Director of Deacon formation for the Diocese of Harrisburg.

     Raised Jewish, Father attended Hebrew school in Niagara Falls, NY. A public-school graduate, he completed studies at the Institute of Jewish Studies in the State University of New York and the Baltimore Hebrew University. He holds degrees in scripture, theology, bioethics, psychology and education. After reading the Gospel of Matthew and other Christian literature and impressed by the Charismatic Renewal, he asked for baptism from a Charismatic Salvation Army Lieutenant who was acting pastor in a Methodist/Brethren chapel. He enrolled in a Pentecostal bible college and an Evangelical seminary and was ordained in the evangelical Anglican tradition. He was a short-order cook, kennel cleaner, janitor, youth minister, pastor, rector, Teen Challenge director, and seminary professor before he and his family entered into full communion with the Catholic Church.

     Father is married to his high school sweetheart Rebecca, they have eight living children, four are married, and they have three granddaughters. Whenever possible he helps Rebecca with her home-based book resale business and is a board-certified professional pastoral counselor. In Father’s words, I speak in tongues.

Schedule for the 2019 Day of Renewal

  8:00 Doors Open for Check-in/Fellowship (Light Breakfast Snacks)
  8:30 Praise Music
  8:40 Welcome Comments/Praise & Worship Continues
  9:20 Keynote Address - Fr. Schenck
10:30 Break
10:45 Mass Begins
11:45 Lunch in Lower Level Dining Room
12:30 Eucharistic Adoration in Chapel
12:45 Education Wing Conference Rm "Unleashing the Gifts of the Spirit"
         - Martin & Bernice White with Fr. Schenck
  1:00 Divine Mercy Presentation & Prayer in Chapel - Joe Bankowski
  1:30 Praise & Worship - Main Conference Room
  2:00 Afternoon Address - Fr. Schenck
  2:45 Concluding comments, Prayer & Blessing followed by 
          Healing Prayer with Prayer Teams
  3:45 Healing Session/Prayers for Healing End


Rev. Paul CB (Chaim Benedicta) Schenck, Ed.D., 

M.S. Psychology, Professional Pastoral/Spiritual Counselor


   The Rev. Paul Schenck is a married Catholic priest. He and his wife, Becky, married 41 years,  have nine children, including "one in heaven." Schenck served one month in prison and 18 months in home detention for leafleting and offering support to women and their companions at abortion clinics before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor in the 1997 case of Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western New York.
   Fr. Schenck brings a rich background to his priestly ministry. The Lord has led him from deep spiritual roots in a Jewish family, to baptism at age 16, to ordination in the Evangelical and Anglican traditions. Ordained in the Catholic Church in 2010 under a special provision established by Pope Saint John Paul II for married Anglican priests., Schenk has served as director of respect life activities and continuing education for clergy in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg since 2008 and chairs the Washington, D.C., National Pro Life Center, an ecumenical mission at the Supreme Court, which he founded in 2004.
He is a certified bioethicist, holding a certificate from the National Catholic Bioethics Center and an Ed.D. in Applied Pastoral Practice from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana.
   He is a board-certified pastoral counselor, and has a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Saint Thomas University. He serves on the ethics committee for palliative care at UPMC Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg and is an adjunct instructor in Theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Ohio. 
  Fr. Schenck's journey began in Western New York, where he was raised. There he attended Hebrew school for six years, learning Babylonian Aramaic. When he was in ninth grade, two classmates, one a son of a United Methodist minister and the other who became the first female minister ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, introduced him to Christianity. I listened to them very closely," Schenck said. "I grew up in a home where Jesus was respected. I was told Jesus was a great rabbi that Christians mistakenly turned into a God." He began reading the New Testament, which he felt very familiar, with names such as Isaiah, Solomon and David and references to circumcision and bar mitzvahs. "There was nothing non-Jewish about it," he said.
   Fr. Schenck used the Yiddish word mishmash to describe his family, explaining that his mother was baptized a Catholic and raised an Episcopalian before marrying the son of Jewish refugees and converting to Judaism to please her husband's father. The priest, whose twin brother is a UMC pastor in Chicago, confirmed his mother and baptized his father in the Catholic Church before they died.
  Graduating in 1979 from Elim Bible Institute, in Lima, N.Y, he then attended the Institute of Jewish Studies at the State University of New York because he wanted to study the Old Testament in Hebrew. He graduated from Luther Rice Seminary in 1982. By then, he and his wife, who both married at 19, had six children and lived in a garage apartment without enough heat. "We were in desperate straits, but we didn't know it. We were enormously happy. Our family life and ministry fulfilled us. Our children were our treasures and still are."
   In 1984, Schenck read "The Jewish People and Jesus Christ after Auschwitz," by Jakob Jocz, a third generation Jewish Christian from Ukraine and a professor at Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto. The two met and became colleagues, collaborating on a series of articles for the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. When Jocz died three years later, he left his entire library, four floors in a Victorian townhouse, to Schenck. In a journal on Judaica, Fr. Schenck found an article about a fragment in Hebrew found in Syria before the fourth century believed to be a Haggadah, a Jewish text of the order of the Passover Seder, but which on further study was found to be the oldest known Christian Eucharistic liturgy. "I was convinced that the Church of the Apostles, the Hebrew speaking church of Jerusalem, was liturgical and Eucharistic". Father said, "That led me to conclude that the earliest church was Catholic."

He is a certified bioethicist, holding a certificate from the National Catholic Bioethics Center and an Ed.D. in Applied 

Pastoral Practice from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana. 
   Although the Rev. Paul C.B. Schenck was a Protestant clergyman, he said he felt Catholic. When he learned that Pope John Paul II would grant pastoral provisions to married Anglican priests, allowing them to become Ordained Catholic Priests, he joined a Reformed Episcopal Church, a member of the worldwide Anglican communion. "I have tremendous respect and admiration for my brother unmarried priests," Fr. Schenck said, "because they voluntarily surrender what is a right that every Christian man has, a wife and a family. They do that for the love of Christ and his church. I think that's heroic."
September 16, 2017 Day of Renewal

“The Holy Spirit – Fountain of Grace”

"The Holy Spirit" & "The Renewal"

Over the Last 50 Years & Beyond

Fr. Bill Cosgrove

was born and raised in the Bronx and attended Cardinal Hayes High School where he discerned his vocation to the priesthood.

After his ordination in 1974, he served as parochial vicar at St. John’s, Mahopac and St. Augustine’s, New City. He was pastor of St. Denis Church, Hopewell Jct. for over 15 years and for the past 9 years he has served as pastor of St. Augustine Church, New City, in Rockland County, NY.

He served 12 years as a service team member for the Charismatic Renewal in the Archdiocese of New York and is presently liaison for Charismatic Renewal under Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

For thirty- two years, Fr. Bill has been an active member of the International Fraternity of Priests with one of its chapters in the Archdiocese of New York which meets regularly at the archdiocesan seminary.

The Fraternity of Priests is one of a member of priest support groups that is a strong advocate of priestly fraternity.

He is an active member of the Clarkstown Ethics Board, New City Rotary and the Clarkstown Ecumenical Clergy Association.

 A Short Message from Fr. Bill

          As you continue your short journey through life, let us seek God’s mercy and give God’s mercy to others.

          Life is not about what YOU can do for God, but what you allow God to do in you and what you in turn will do for OTHERS.  One of the most important lessons of life is learning that: It’s not about YOU. We are called to seek mercy from God and then perform acts of mercy for others. Are you like me sometimes, you like to get in the third lane (the passing lane…the FAST LANE) and stay there for most of your trip. Sometimes when we are always in the “fast lane”, life passes us by. WE go too fast and rush through all things we have to do and forget to stop to “smell the roses”.

Want to hear more from Fr. Bill?
Other relfections can be found on
St. Augustine Parish Website




Our Gathering Place was:

Diocesan Center

4800 Union Deposit, Harrisburg PA 17111


             CLICK THE LINK!











(Voice Only - Time 1 hour)


Charismatic Day of Renewal




Diocese of Harrisburg

SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 2016

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

AM Talk & Mass with Bishop Gainer

PM Talk on Forgiveness & Healing with Alberta Turcio

Prayer Ministry and More!

                    Bishop Gainer, a coal miner's grandson, completed studies at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in 1973 earning a Master of Divinity degree summa cum laude, and later earning a licentiate degree in Canon Law and a diploma in Latin Letter from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 1986. When a monsignor in Allentown in December 2002, Pope John Paul II named him to be bishop of Lexington, KY where he was installed in February 2003. Bishop Gainer was installed as Bishop of Harrisburg March 19, 2014. During his priesthood, he has also served in parishes, campus ministry, marriage and family, and tribunal positions. 
Talks by Bishop Gainer available on youtube:

2015 Steubenville ABS Conference (10:56) "I Have Spoken" Homily

May 2015 Theology on Tap, Lancaster (43:06) "Year of Mercy"

Afternoon Session Speaker & Moderator

                    Alberta Turcio will speak on “Forgiveness, How Important Is It In Our Lives?”  Are you struggling with a need to be forgiven, or should I forgive? Come find the answers to these and many other concerns about forgiveness.   

      Alberta’s trust in the Holy Spirit has enabled her to make difficult topics clear and understandable. Her enthusiasm for the Lord and His message is very evident.

      She was born in Rhode Island but spent most of her adult life in New Jersey and as a high school teacher, Alberta taught math and computer programming.  She and her husband, Frank, took early retirement to follow the Lord’s call to move to Lititz, PA, where together they serve the Lord nearly full-time as prayer group leaders, music ministers, and healing prayer warriors.  Besides teaching almost every week at the “Light of Christ Prayer Group” which meets Tuesday evenings at St. James in Lititz, PA,  she has been honored to be a speaker at many Charismatic gatherings in the Tri-state area.  She is thrilled that the Lord has enabled her to use her teaching gift for His glory.

                      July 2017 announcement!
     After 14 years in Lititz, Alberta & Frank have been called to relocate to Delaware. They were leaders at The Light of Christ Prayer Group at St. James Church. We will sorely miss their presence and wish them many blessings in their new home. May God lead them and bless them abundantly.
Theme for the Day of Renewal 2015
"The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus"

SEPTEMBER 19, 2015
Featured speaker Kathleen McCarthy
Hear her talk on youtube: https://youtu.be/ZLviNFry2xw

    In prophesy, Kathleen speaks what she hears Jesus say: “Be aware of my presence in your life, not only in the times of great joy and happiness, not only in the times that you see Me, in the times that you’re celebrating, in the times that you’ve received blessings, but I want you to see Me, in you, all times, the good times and the not so good times”.


      Kathleen McCarthy is a published author, Catholic radio broadcaster and has been a Catholic lay evangelist for almost 40 years. Her message of the Father’s merciful love, the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, and the power of the Holy Spirit are central to the doctrines of the Catholic Church.       Kathleen has traveled across the country and internationally as a sought after conference speaker.  She facilitates workshops, days of renewal and parish retreats.
      For over four decades, Kathleen has been involved in healing ministry. She has the gift of storytelling that readily touches the hearts of all individuals. Her willingness to share her faith and wisdom has established her as a dynamic instrument for proclaiming God’s word to both believers and Catholics of all ages.
      Kathleen has experienced the death of a husband, loss of a house through fire, personal and family illness and loss. Through it all, her uncompromising love of God and faith in His love for her has been her source of strength in weakness and her light in darkness. She is a gifted speaker who shares with enthusiasm and motivates many hearts to experience the living God. 

Music by BreakThrough Music Ministry.   Musicians for the day are Bob & Lori Ribic, Frank Tittiger, Lora Dietrich, and Rich McGowan.

     In Addition to talks, the Day of Renewal will have other special times of Praise & Worship, Word Gifts will be shared by our gifted leaders throughout the Diocese.  A Newcomer’s Session, Prayer Team Ministry & Unbound Ministry are also planned. 

     Lunch is included as part of the registration fee with preregistration.  Pre-registration (to include lunch).  Registration at the door does not include lunch.  This year's Day of Renewal facilitator will be Ro Burkholder.

Theme for the Day of Renewal 2014

               Fr. Ariel Hernandez, a dynamic, spirit-filled young priest, shared his love of Jesus in the Eucharist with us. Father has celebrated healing Masses around the Delaware Valley.” Born and raised in Argentina. He has been a Keynote speaker at Catholic Charismatic Conferences in Camden and Wildwood, N.J., and Philadelphia!

Does God Heal Today?



                                                                                                                       A first person witness!

     While viewing my MRI the surgeon said “Your spine has fused”. He went on to explain a fusion usually happens gradually over an extended period of time. However, God had a different option for me. I told him my experience and he believed that I even knew exactly when this fusion took place.

     After lower back surgery to relieve a pinched nerve in December 2012, I was later found to have contracted two deadly, slow-growing staph infections in the area which, when finally cured by long-term antibiotic treatment, left a separation in the spine which caused chronic weakness and pain. If the bone didn’t fuse on its own, further surgery would be necessary including insertion of a rod. Time was short for this to happen and the separation still no better when in October 2013 I attended the Camden Diocesan Catholic Charismatic Convention in Wildwood, New Jersey.

      I shall never forget the word Fr Ariel Hernandez gave during a healing session. He said “God is in the process of healing backs, specifically lower backs”. He had my attention! Father Ariel continued “You will know you are healed when you feel heat in that area”. At that moment the solidly frozen ice pack I had on my lower back turned into a hot water bottle. I knew God had healed me!

     When the doctor heard my story, his response was “someone up there likes you”. His next sentence is what every patient wants to hear. He pointed his finger at me and said, “You don’t need me anymore”. Praise God!                      

(Linda Metz, Sanctuary Prayer Group, Lancaster)


       Father Ariel received a special gift from the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of Schoenstatt and he is the custodian of a pilgrim miraculous image of her from Argentina. The Icon was available in the chapel for a special time of veneration during the Day of Renewal and Father led us in a dedication prayer at the end of Mass.
Hear his story here: