Home of the
Diocese of Harrisburg
Catholic Charismatic Renewal


Alive in the Spirit, Living for Christ!
Experience the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT!
all are welcome...Enjoy our Website!


The great feasts of our faith include Christmas, Easter and Pentecost which we celebrate on May 19 in the year 2024. 

The Lord Jesus on Easter Sunday said to his apostles after breathing on them, “Receive the Holy Spirit”, and then said to them, ”Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, if you hold them bound, they are held bound”. In this mini-pre-Pentecost event He gave to them who were the first appointed leaders of the early church the power to pass on His forgiveness. How were they to decide whom to forgive or whom to hold bound? Would they use race or nationality? Of course not, but obviously they needed to listen to the sinner to discern if they were sincere.

There was another pre-Pentecost event when Jesus died on the cross. In the gospel of John it says, “He breathed out His Spirit.” He was not simply exhaling carbon dioxide but passing on the Holy Spirit. Then 50 days after His resurrection came the great event of Pentecost. Still huddled in the upper room and still paralyzed by fear even though they had seen the risen Lord, they suddenly experienced the strong driving and purifying wind of the Holy Spirit driving out the fears, and then the fire of the Holy Spirit resting upon them and filling them with the charismatic gifts such as healing, speaking in tongues, prophecy and discernment.

Pentecost is not a once and done event you received at your baptism when you received the Holy Spirit to dwell in your soul. No, as we seek to surrender more and more to the Lordship of Jesus, the work Holy Spirit which had become dormant within us because of our immaturity and complacency, now comes alive and is released in us and we begin to experience more and more the fruit and the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In the 1970’s when I was a school teacher, I attended a “Life-in the Spirit Seminar” at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Mt. Carmel and was “Prayed Over” with the laying of hands on my head for the release of the power of the Holy Spirit within me by the now deceased Fr. Michael Barrett originally from Centralia. Up to that point I, who went to church faithfully and was reading the bible daily, was at the same time shy about sharing the faith with others. After the release of the of the power of Holy Spirit within me, I became the leader of the charismatic prayer meeting at St. John’s and to make a long story short I have been ordained a priest for 41 years and now am the Bishop’s Liaison for Charismatic Renewal. Fr. Michael Barrett who prayed over me was the first liaison for the bishop for Charismatic Renewal for our diocese. Bishop Daley had heard there were these prayer meetings going on in Harrisburg and sent Fr. Barrett to go incognito to the meeting to check it out. Fr. Barrett went and was prayed over and got zapped by the Spirit and began to exercise the charismatic gifts and then Fr. Barrett prayed over on me that 5th night of the seminar. Pentecost is not once and done!

(Rev Frank Karwacki is the Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel & the Bishop’s Liaison for Charismatic Renewal)                                      

                       CURRENT EVENTS!

Monthly Charismatic Mass...
All are welcome to our Charismatic Mass 
with prayers for healing on:
  First Tuesday of the month 
(except when a holy day)
St. Theresa Church
1300 Bridge St, New Cumberland, PA
 Celebrant: Varies
For information please call: 
Vicki Krone 717-364-6260 or email
Mary Ann: maccamp16@gmail.com

In Memoriam: Past Members of the Pastoral Team

Rosella Burkholder

December 6, 2020

Day of Renewal Facilitator for many years

Martin "Marty" White

October 1, 2021

He and his wife Bernice presented our 

Newcomers Breakout for many years.


Sondra "Sandi" Sommer 

April 11, 2022

Leader of Music Ministry

Fred Staub

July 3 2023

Leader of Music Ministry

May they rest in peace!

"Healing Our Wounds and the Wounds of Others"
                   Presenter: Cecelia Ritchey
"God's Ways Are Not Our Ways" 
          Presenter: Bernice White


Prayer Group Announces Next Mass 

   with Charismatic Prayer for Healing

A Catholic Charismatic Mass with prayers for healing will be announced soon!

Past participants have proclaimed it outstanding!

Praise & Worship Music by New Spirit at 6:30; Mass begins at 7:00 PM at St. Rose of Lima Church, 950 W. Market St., York PA 17401. 

We pray for God's healing Mercy for all of us.

Sponsored by "The Spirit of Love and Mercy" Prayer Group. 

For more information please call Joyce at: 717-308-7245.

     Have your Woundedness Transformed
Recommended Videos:
Pray More Healing Retreat videos (vary in length from 13-29 minutes each). They very much enhanced the topic Fr. Schenck presented for our 2019 Day of Renewal. Enjoy!

Read about our sister (arch) diocese at: 


"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the  Lord's favor." (Luke 4:18-19)